Consultants review software development code

Enterprise Solutions

A strong, integrated enterprise solution can help strengthen your company’s core processes, improve performance and help you achieve your business goals.

Enterprise Solutions

  1. ConferenceSep 09
    Oracle CloudWorld 2024 global network superimposed on digital map of world
  2. ConferenceOct 14
    Abstract data IFS Unleashed 2024
  1. Ann E. Blakely

    Ann E. Blakely

    Managing Principal

  2. Peter Pearce

    Peter J. Pearce



  3. Kayla Flint

    Kayla Flint


  4. Peter J. Lauria

    Peter J. Lauria



Enterprise technology transformation is not a one-time event – it’s a series of milestones that lead to true organizational transformation.

Our experienced team works with you to understand your business and pain points, highlight opportunities and develop enterprise solutions options attune to your needs. It’s not just what you implement, it’s how you transform the business that will make a lasting difference.

Having the right enterprise technology in place is critical to your operations, but implementing or optimizing a technology solution is a complex endeavor. The vendor's technical solution is just the beginning. In order to create lasting success for your business, you need an ally with deep product and industry knowledge, coupled with experienced resources who can guide a tailored, efficient and agile transformation that is sustainable for your company. Our enterprise solutions team works with you to provide the clarity and processes needed to find the solutions that will support your business today and tomorrow.

Enterprise strategy is key for delivery and discovery

Systems implementation

  • Operational efficiency: Track, control and automate your complex operations to improve workflow, agility, decision-making and reporting
  • Increased revenue streams: Gain insight into areas of your business that could generate new sources of revenue with software solutions
  • Enhanced competitive edge: Optimize, realign and better manage category- leading supply chains and operational environments focused on driving value in the market
  • Employee productivity: Reshape the employer/employee relationship by driving operational success and business returns with a more informed, integrated and productive workforce

Systems optimization

  • Leverage existing technology: leverage system capabilities not in place today to align with leading practices
  • Improve end user experience: Simplify processes for end users to improve overall experience
  • Enhanced third-party integration: Improve integration touch points and reduce data errors and eliminate negative downstream impacts
  • Reduce employee inefficiencies: Streamline process and technology to minimize non-value add activities and reduce inefficiencies for staff, allowing for more time allocated for value-add activities

Enterprise solutions implementation services can help leverage technology capabilities to enhance business operations and deliver greater value.

Aging platforms, new acquisitions and accelerated growth are all catalysts for change. Businesses that embrace system transformation to optimize their operations across all functions of their business, will be in a better position to enable the business for success.

Understanding that each technology implementation is unique, we adapt our core methodology based on our experiences across a variety of industries and software solutions, to best fit the needs of your company.

BTD implementation approach

  • Planning: The planning phase establishes the bridge from the objectives to a detailed implementation plan. Detailed plans should address functionality, technology and change management.
  • Analyze and design: The analyze and design phase defines the new business processes, business information and data that will support the new business model once the software implementation is complete.
  • Build and test: The build phase develops all required customizations, reports, forms, and interfaces and performs the necessary testing of the solution and initial planning for final conversion and cutover. This phase encompasses the range of activities from receipt of design blueprints to end-to-end testing of the solution.
  • Implement and support: The primary objectives of this phase is to ensure the system has been properly configured and tested, that users are trained and prepared and that a structure exists to support the system following the go-live event.

Enterprise systems optimization services help you identify pain points and increase efficiencies, so your business can experience the full value of your technology.

It is imperative to ensure that your enterprise software is keeping up with the changing business environment and that you are fully realizing the benefits of their technology. We’ll help you optimize the functionality of your systems to deliver greater speed, improve ease of use and enhance third-party integration and organizational performance.

We’ve developed a methodical approach for assessing issues, quantifying gaps and determining a prioritized plan for improvement. In addition to process and people considerations, often times our recommendations include upgrading existing software, adding new modules, adding best of breed components and extending the use of existing features to new divisions, location and lines of business.

BTD optimization approach

Contact us and we’ll help you find the right enterprise solutions