Case Study

Senior living network implements new core financial solution

A network of non-profit senior living facilities desired outsourced accounting and advisory services to support their network. Read more to see how the Baker Tilly team helped the client establish standardized and streamlined processes across their accounting, HR and payroll functions through shared responsibility with outsourced providers and system integration.
Case Study

Senior living network implements new core financial solution

A network of non-profit senior living facilities desired outsourced accounting and advisory services to support their network. Read more to see how the Baker Tilly team helped the client establish standardized and streamlined processes across their accounting, HR and payroll functions through shared responsibility with outsourced providers and system integration.

Client background:

A network of non-profit senior living facilities employing over 275 employees across multiple entities offers nursing, rehabilitation and personal care services. The client desired outsourced accounting and advisory services to support the growth of their network and allow internal resources to allocate their time to more strategic initiatives.

The business challenge:

Given the recent growth experienced within their network, the client had various disparate and in some cases redundant accounting processes. This included manual HR, payroll and paper-based accounting processes which were time consuming and resulted in inefficient procedures, lost information and data quality concerns. Given these disparate and manual processes, the organization lacked access to useful and timely financial data to support their decision making. The client’s existing accounting services partner did not offer additional advisory services, which the organization desired based on their growing network and associated needs. Therefore, this led them to look for an alternative provider.

Strategy and solution:

Upon introduction, the Baker Tilly team’s initial priority was to fully understand the client’s business needs. We then reviewed and optimized their internal transactional accounting structure and associated HR and payroll functions. Next, we delivered an implementation of Sage Intacct’s core financials solution, as well as paperless and mobile AP and expense management solutions. This provided a scalable solution which could grow with the network. The client received real-time financial data through dashboards and reports. We coached the client on how to understand the financial data to inform decision making processes moving forward. Once implementation was complete, we facilitated a smooth transition to our reoccurring outsourced accounting and advisory services. This set up the client for continued success on a go-forward basis with Baker Tilly as a trusted partner supporting them along the way.

As an outcome of our collaborative effort, Baker Tilly was able to help the client establish standardized and streamlined processes across their accounting, HR and payroll functions through shared responsibility with outsourced providers and system integration. This reduced paperwork and paper filing, improving their internal controls, records retention and overall data quality. The client’s leadership team increased visibility to data associated with KPIs through system dashboards and reports. This provided decision makers with what they needed to best manage their growing organization and create accountability across the network.

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