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Are you taking advantage of what Oracle Learning Cloud has to offer?

Oracle is continuing to improve the learner, manager and learning specialist experience with new features. Here are a few features that Baker Tilly can help your organization take advantage of when using Oracle Learning Cloud.

Activity sequencing

With activity sequencing, you can now take advantage of improvements in the offering activities and specialization items to include forced sequencing of items for your learners. This includes being able to make activities optional or required and section activities in offerings just like you always could in specializations.

Observation checklist

Observation checklists allow you to have a learner take a training course and be reviewed and tested on the knowledge they gained by an observer. This is perfect for any kind of on-the-job trainings.

Improved re-assignment rules

Does your organization struggle with the fact that once someone has completed a course it cannot be reassigned to them without it automatically completing again? Now, with the improvements to re-assignment rules, you can create a new assignment for a learner that expires their old assignment and forces them to retake the course. No more need for HDL to accomplish this task.

New browse and topic areas in the learner experience

With the new browse learning and topic index pages, your learners have the ability to find your featured learning topics and browse your catalog. There is a new featured learning rotating banner so learners can see the latest things that you choose as featured learning. There is also a new topics option that will allow your learning specialist to put courses into topics, the learners can see up to five courses in each featured topic. There is also a new topics index page that allows learners to look at all of your topics in Oracle Learning Cloud at one time and find the area they what to focus on.

New manager experience

There is now a new my team learning page that is written in the Redwood design. This gives the manager an improved view of what their entire team is working on and what needs more focus. With the new design, Oracle has included new chip-based filtering, an easy way to see learning either by the person or by the learning item. This screen also can be designed so your managers will see what the organization feels is most important to know. Then the manager can easily and quickly find more details or change how they are viewing their team’s learning.

Also, with just a few clicks, your manager can see their direct reports and one of their manager’s direct reports on the screen. They can also quickly change from a view by person to a view by learning object, this way, if the manager knows he has a critical required training coming due for his team, it is easy to see who still needs to complete that specific item.

Baker Tilly’s Oracle practice leads clients through today’s business challenges to prepare them for tomorrow’s growth opportunities. Learn more about how we help companies navigate the interdependencies and inner workings of Oracle's products.

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