Digital forward | A Baker Tilly webinar series

Digital forward: A webinar series

Explore a variety of digital transformation topics and gain insights into what your organization needs to know to succeed

Propel your business forward

Technology has increased customer expectations, catapulted productivity and unlocked the power of data analytics. But only implementing the latest technology isn’t going to give you the edge that sets you apart from competitors. Digital transformation is more than just utilizing the right technology – it’s about creating the right processes and empowering the right people to create a culture of innovation. Check out our series articles and recordings below to learn more.

All session recordings are available in the dropdowns below

Speakers: Mike Cullen - Principal, Baker Tilly and Jordan Anderson - Director, Baker Tilly

Organizations are facing a transformative shift towards digitization and automation. Artificial intelligence (AI) is now dominating the conversation in the media, board rooms and halls of government. However, AI, robotic process automation (RPA), intelligent process automation (IPA) and diverse analytics approaches and tools are already changing the way we work, serve customers and deliver results.

Watch the recording below to learn:

  • The differences between each of these technologies
  • The risks that they can pose to businesses
  • How to safely reap the potential rewards of these emerging technologies

Speakers: Peter Pearce – Principal, Baker Tilly and Sarah Hindle – Consultant, Baker Tilly

Harnessing raw data and transforming it into actionable insights is critical for success. However, many organizations are submerged in a sea of data, needing more tools and strategies to assess, organize and leverage data to make digital initiatives truly transformative.

Watch the recording below to discover:

  • The importance of reviewing and visualizing your operating data at the onset of any digital initiative
  • How to gauge data quality and the importance of embracing data as the driving force behind your mission-critical programs
  • Ways to enhance your data initiatives’ overall success to propel your business fearlessly forward

Speakers: Ellie Ellis – Senior Manager, Baker Tilly and Steven Shutt – Senior Manager, Baker Tilly
The technologies organizations acquire and maintain over years of operation are often extensive and the thought of replacing, upgrading or optimizing existing technology can be daunting and shrouded in a complex language that few speak fluently. Simultaneously, organizations are being asked to prioritize broader business initiatives while adhering to tighter budgets and utilizing less resources, making the promise of quick technology fixes even more enticing.

Questions like whether to opt for in-house development or outsourcing, pursuing an upgrade or an overhaul, selecting between customized or out-of-the-box solutions complicate an already complicated process.

Watch the recording below to learn:

  • How to simplify your next steps by breaking through the noise to drive true transformation
  • Best practices to prioritize your business initiatives
  • Key alignment strategies for your digital evolution

Speakers: Kayla Flint – Principal, Baker Tilly and Andrew Clark – Experienced Manager, Baker Tilly

The cloud has matured significantly. Originating in the technology sector, it has now permeated nearly every industry due to the security, resilience, speed and scalability it offers. While the value of cloud computing is widespread, there is often a lack of understanding regarding where this value truly lies and how to effectively harness it. This deficiency can result in misguided strategies and flawed implementation approaches.

Watch the recording below to discover how the cloud can:

  • Simplify and standardize business processes and workflows
  • Enable data analytics leading to shortened innovation cycles
  • Scale rapidly and securely
  • Increase compliance
  • Help save money and redeploy resources

Speaker: Amanda Klein – Principal, Baker Tilly
Digital transformation enables value in all facets of the business – from customers and employees to investors. For nearly every business, improving EBIDTA and maximizing value is atop every leader’s agenda.

Watch the recording below to discover how to get to true transformation and increase business value faster by:

  • Defining your strategic goals and priorities aligning initiatives and outcomes
  • Enabling organizational alignment and engagement
  • Establishing a foundation to track value realization through reporting and analytics
  • Building a culture focused on continuous improvement and innovation

Speakers: Susan Vincent – Managing Director, Baker Tilly, Todd Wilkerson – Director, Baker Tilly and Jessica Drexler - Experienced Manager, Baker Tilly

Strategic leaders must think beyond just implementing new tools and technologies to drive growth and improve the customer experience. We live in an influencer-led world and customer experience and reaction can make or break an organization. Taking on a digital transformation effort represents a major milestone in a company's history and a giant leap forward in how you operate, innovate and go-to-market while building a company that customers love.

Going deeper means getting past the tools or solution to develop, design and deploy high-quality customer outcomes.

Watch the recording below to:

  • Learn why the customer experience is pivotal to the long-term success of an organization
  • Explore ways to create seamless and personalized customer experiences
  • Understand why you should care about what your customers really think and how to measure it long-term
  • Discover how leadership can take meaningful action to drive impactful change across the entire customer journey

Digital graph spikes

Five dimensions of digital transformation

Simplifying the language and concepts of digital transformation can help board members and senior executives better guide their organizations through the digital transformation journey. Digital transformation can be simplified into five critical business dimensions.

Ready to get started?

If you are ready to embark on your digital transformation journey or have any questions about the strategies and resources discussed in the Digital forward webinar series, we are here to support you and provide guidance tailored to your organization's specific needs. Connect with us to learn how we can help you unlock the full potential of digital innovation and drive your organization towards a successful future.