dairy farm

Dairy is a dynamic business – are your cost standards dynamic enough to keep up?

The pandemic disrupted the supply chain world in ways unimagined including a shortage in suppliers, increased tariff costs and employee absenteeism. The impact of those shutdowns and other challenges resulted in companies globally scrambling to react. Unfortunately, many companies have been forced to choose which lines to run each day and which customers to prioritize.

With all these activities happening on a short notice, our clients are struggling to see the daily realities of their business at a level of detail that they could act upon quickly. Watch this webinar presented by the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) to learn how Baker Tilly’s Dynamic Costing® approach enables dairy manufacturers to eliminate the time-consuming assembly of cost standards, give continuous visibility to production, and how to view those insights daily to drive profit in this ever-changing demand. In this webinar, presenters Eric Kroll, Cory Wendt and Rob Bellile, explore why standard costing may be damaging a manufacturer’s bottom line and how to maximize their data to increase efficiency.

Eric J. Kroll
Cory R. Wendt
Professional working remotely
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