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Business owners have been strongly affected by COVID-19 and are left with many questions. The programs and initiatives in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act are intended to assist them in overcoming the current challenges. When implemented, there will be many new resources available for small businesses, as well as certain not-for-profits and other employers.

Watch our complimentary on-demand webinar for a discussion that explores the major programs and initiatives that are available from the Small Business Administration (SBA). Our specialists are actively monitoring these changes and exploring the following:

  • Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)
  • Emergency EIDL Grants
  • Disaster loan expansion
  • Qualifying entities
  • Maximum and forgivable loan calculation
  • 13-week cash flow
  • Next steps

For borrowers with a straightforward PPP loan compliance environment, we have developed a self-service, Excel-based loan forgiveness calculator. But if your situation is more complex, or you have limited staffing available to support the loan requirements, we can provide an automated approach to forecasting eligible spend, monitoring specific payroll exceptions, and managing compliance with final documentation requirements.

Get started with forgiveness application

Learn more about cash flow and its importance during uncertain times >
FAQ on the CARES Act >
Resource center

Baker Tilly specialists understand your industry and how an unplanned event such as the COVID-19 outbreak can affect your organization, employees, customers and suppliers.

For more information on this topic, or to learn how Baker Tilly specialists can help, contact our team.

Todd C. Bernhardt
Frank J. Walker
Royce Prude
Cybersecurity maturity – enhancing your organization’s cyber risk management posture and program
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Cybersecurity maturity – enhancing your organization’s cyber risk management posture and program