Chief data and analytics officers (CDAOs) have the complicated task of sorting through their various streams of data to determine what data can be used to generate revenue for the business. But managing the many diverse requests coming from across their organization can be overwhelming. For most companies, prioritizing data from multiple sources and creating actionable insights can be a challenge. Dedicated CDAOs play a valuable role in aggregating, interpreting and elevating data driven decisions.

Articulating your data strategy

Data strategy is about defining what to do, when to do it and the why behind it. Many business leaders recognize that they need to be more data-driven, but don't understand how to incorporate a strategy within their different business areas. The CDAO is essential to creating the foundation for building a strong data strategy that includes:

Data solutions strategy flywheel

Focusing on data governance

Data governance serves as the source of truth for all data-related matters. This includes defining and organizing the right data sources, data security and data integrity to establish the right policies at every level of the company. We can help you focus on:

  • Policy, standards, strategy
  • Data quality
  • Privacy, compliance, security
  • Architecture, integration
  • Data warehouses, business intelligence
  • Management and support

Outsourced CDAO

CDAO expertise can be hard to find and even harder to generate quick enterprise value from. To help expedite data insights and a related action plan, organizations can benefit from an outsourced CDAO. Leveraging Baker Tilly’s data strategy expertise can drive transformation beyond analytics. One of the CDAO’s main roles is to encourage the importance of analytics and collaboration among leadership. When your leaders are aligned, you can create the right frameworks so all the people involved know what to expect from data and understand the benefits.