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Welcome to Value Creation Conversations, a new series featuring insights from specialized professionals at Baker Tilly. Each conversation explores a different stage of the private equity transaction life cycle through interviews with the firm's leaders.

In this video, managing principal Cary Mailandt and principal Brian Francese share their insights on the various practices and services offered by Baker Tilly that are relevant to private equity firms and their portfolio companies.

Grow with us as we delve into the private equity transaction life cycle.

Cary Mailandt (00:15): My name's Cary Mailandt. I'm managing principal of Baker Tilly's Business Advisory Services Group, which is comprised of a number of practice areas that are relevant and helpful to private equity groups as well as their portfolio companies.

Brian Francese (00:29): My name is Brian Francese. I'm a principal with Baker Tilly. It really requires a lot of collaboration with other practices such as Cary's BAS group. Happy to be here today.

Cary Mailandt (00:41): Excited to be here. We look forward to speaking about and kicking off this series of a number of various discussions and interviews about the transaction life cycle of a typical portfolio company that's owned by a private equity group. Everything from beginning out on a pre-transaction, diligence phase of the life cycle2, all the way through to exiting the business, which is typically a five to seven year time horizon. But that can vary based on the differences in goals of the private equity group.

Brian Francese (01:16): When you take a step back and think about what makes Baker Tilly unique. We are a top 10 firm squarely in the middle market. It allows us to be nimble with our clients, and really deliver high quality products across multitude of a line of services. When you think about audit, tax and advisory, those services not unique to a CPA, consulting firm by any means. But we are equally sized between those practices, which really shows you how large and how many different types of services we can provide. And that's what we're really going to be sharing in these series, to a little bit more of an extent to give you a better picture of how we can help and provide some further clarification and assistance to private equity backed companies.

Cary Mailandt (02:06): At Baker Tilly, we are in the early innings of this journey. We've made a lot of investments within the private equity space as well as across their portfolio businesses. We're going to make a lot more big investments as well. We're really doubling down on this part of the industry and we look forward to going down the journey.

Cary Mailandt
Managing Principal
Brian P. Francese
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