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Webinar | Insurance hot topics 2022

Top cyber trends and emerging risks in the insurance industry

For insurance companies, the cybersecurity and IT risk and compliance landscape is continuously shifting. What trends and emerging risks should you be prepared for? Where should you focus as you consider risk assessments for the upcoming year?  In this on-demand webinar, our insurance and IT specialists highlighted today's trending key changes and trends. Topics included: 

HITRUST updates 

  • HITRUST compliance framework – One framework, one assessment, global compliance 
  • New HITRUST reporting options – What are they and which is best for your organization? HITRUST Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) Qualification Methodology  

New York State Department of Financial Services (NYSDFS) cybersecurity updates 

  • Updates on recent draft amendments to Part 500 Cybersecurity Rules 
  • Overview of how the regulation defines a Class A covered entity and the impact of the designation Identification of new regulations for all covered entities  

Cyber insurance updates 

  • Discussion of recent Travelers case and its importance for buyers of cyber insurance 
  • Cyber business interruption exposures and adequacy of sums insured 
  • Importance of risk presentation pack as an alternative to proposal forms in purchasing cyber insurance
Christopher J. Tait
Ben Hobby
Russell Sommers
Man analyzes a report at a computer
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2022 year-end business tax planning