Ben Hobby

Ben Hobby



+44 (0)20 7065 7925

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Ben Hobby is a principal with Baker Tilly’s forensic, litigation and valuation services practice. For two decades, Ben has handled losses and investigations of various scopes and sizes for insurers, lawyers and corporations across the globe.

His expertise focuses on physical and non-physical damage business interruption with a particular focus on cyber related matters, where he has managed some of the largest and highest profile cyber business interruption claims handled by the London insurance market.

Ben is a former chair of the cyber claims committee at the International Underwriting Association, which addresses issues relating to the handling of cyber claims in the London insurance market.

In addition, Ben has conducted accounting investigations of reinsurance treaties and binding authorities in the UK, Europe, U.S. and Australia.

Prior to focusing his career on forensic accounting, Ben worked in internal audit and investigative roles in the industry where he gained significant experience in the review of operational processes and internal controls.

  • Prepared expert reports for claimants and defendants on matters including loss of profits, commercial disputes and breach of fiduciary duty. He has given evidence in Court and at arbitration and has assisted at mediation.
  • Prepared and presented a number of seminars to clients and colleagues on various topics related to the calculation of business interruption losses, cyber related matters and fraud investigations
  • Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, fellow
  • Diploma of Chartered Insurance


London, U.K.


Bachelor of Arts in economics (Hons)

Durham University