Selling your business: How to think like a private equity firm

Selling your business: How to think like a private equity firm

Throughout the life cycle of a business, owners often think about whether or not they want to sell and, if so, when is the right time. As important, positioning your business to sell can increase the overall potential outcomes in meeting your goals. Private equity firms have continued a strong interest in middle-market manufacturing companies.

In order to position your company in the best light, it’s time to think like a potential buyer.

  1. What do they look for in target companies?
  2. How can leadership structure and characteristics make a company more attractive?
  3. What numbers do they care about?
  4. How do they view the company’s growth potential?

Professionals from Baker Tilly Capital and Baker Tilly presented this complimentary webinar where we reverse engineered the sale of a company from the viewpoint of a private equity firm, with assistance from Pfingsten Partners, LLC. We provide you with an understanding of how the buyer thinks and analyzes a target manufacturing company, so that when it does come time to sell, you will know how to position your company for the optimal result.

With this presentation, you will understand:

  • The importance of where you are now in the market
  • How current leadership can impact a sale
  • What private equity firms look for in your overall infrastructure
  • How a private equity firm benchmarks and reviews growth potential
  • How a private equity firm interprets the market valuation
  • Key items in preparing your business for a sale


Bill Chapman, Partner
Baker Tilly

Mike Milani, Principal and Executive Managing Director
Baker Tilly Capital

Scott Finegan, Managing Director
Pfingsten Partners, LLC

Download the presentation >

For more information on this topic, or to learn how Baker Tilly specialists can help, contact our team.

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