Optimizing your portfolio: A development guide for housing agencies webinar series

Optimizing your portfolio: a development guide for housing agencies webinar series

Navigating the myriad options for maintaining, redeveloping, and constructing sustainable affordable housing can be daunting for any developer, particularly for public housing agencies (PHAs) facing limited resources and complex federal and local regulations.

This webinar series aims to help PHAs create successful, long-term strategies for sustainability by providing participants with a foundation to begin their development journey, evaluating Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD), Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTCs), and other affordable housing programs, as well as positioning the PHA to leverage its strengths and capitalize upon opportunities in the marketplace.

Previous webinars in this series

HUD Notice 2018-04: Rethink your recapitalization strategy

Listen in as presenters discuss an overview of the new options available to public housing agencies.

Building a foundation: An overview of the development lifecycle

This presentation provides PHAs with an overview of the development lifecycle and explores the six stages of housing development.

It's all about the money

This webinar explored various financing options that public housing agencies can use to optimize the capital stack for their development projects.

For more information on this topic, or to learn how Baker Tilly affordable housing specialists can help, contact our team.

Construction crane
Next up

Avoiding construction claims and disputes