Abstract building with curved shape
Case Study

Minority-owned affordable housing developer amplifies develop deals through the Rental Assistance Demonstration program

Baker Tilly’s RAD consulting leads minority-owned affordable housing developer to bring his ideas to life financially.
Abstract building with curved shape
Case Study

Minority-owned affordable housing developer amplifies develop deals through the Rental Assistance Demonstration program

Baker Tilly’s RAD consulting leads minority-owned affordable housing developer to bring his ideas to life financially.

Our client’s need

Before starting Sepia Transformation Partners, Paul Robinson spent his career working on development projects in the low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) space, going from one city to another finding land and doing LIHTC deals. Paul was looking for other affordable housing development options to grow his portfolio.

Relationship-driven insights

Paul started working with Don Bernards, principal and leader of Baker Tilly’s housing practice, through which he learned about HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program. By working with Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) to convert and reposition their assets, Paul was able to create footholds in communities and engage with the community he was developing in. This reenergized his affordable housing career and created a new path for his business.

Innovative solutions

Paul had a lot of ideas for affordable housing development projects but needed help bringing them to life financially. Our Baker Tilly team became Paul’s Valued Business Advisor and guided him through the complex financial structures needed to make affordable housing deals happen. Baker Tilly had the experience and industry knowledge Paul needed to take his business to the next level. Since then, Paul and his partner have taken Sepia Transformation Partners to the next level and been involved in more than 10 RAD deals and continue to use their passion to create more affordable housing.

I can name a lot of different instances where things were built out, in terms of saving a deal, because of the input Baker Tilly and Don Bernards gave to our company.
Paul Robinson, Founder and Partner of Sepia Transformation Partners

For more information on this topic, or to learn how Baker Tilly specialists can help, contact our team.

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