Professional walking through office using digital tablet
Case Study

MedTech company launches digital health platform with help of effective clinical study design

Learn how Baker Tilly helped a large MedTech organization design and run clinical studies in order to successfully launch a new digital health platform.
Professional walking through office using digital tablet
Case Study

MedTech company launches digital health platform with help of effective clinical study design

Learn how Baker Tilly helped a large MedTech organization design and run clinical studies in order to successfully launch a new digital health platform.

Client background 

An established medical technology (MedTech) company that is a research branch of a larger organization.

The business challenge 

The company was looking to launch a new digital health platform and wanted to design and administer clinical studies to generate new clinical and economic evidence to support the launch of the new tool. Although the company knew they wanted to conduct clinical studies, they were unsure about how and where to start. In addition, the client was also unsure about what specific kind of study to run and what the study should focus on, due to multiple stakeholder priorities.

Baker Tilly’s solution-driven approach 

To help streamline the process and target their specific needs, Baker Tilly served as a clear voice for the client. After identifying the available resources and discussing the different areas of concern, Baker Tilly came up with a solution where all of the stakeholders within the company felt heard and supported stakeholder alignment.  

In addition, Baker Tilly also used varying levels of specialists on our life sciences team to help the organization manage costs. By utilizing our team of life sciences specialists, Baker Tilly was able to design and create:  

  • A prioritized list of issues and concerns articulated by various stakeholder groups 
  • A strategic roadmap for clinical and real-world evidence (RWE) studies  
  • A study pipeline that the client could use over several years to address their needs and concerns 

The accomplished results  

With a new streamlined approach in place, the client was able to achieve stakeholder alignment as well as funding priorities to advance the studies that Baker Tilly helped develop forward. With this new plan in place, the company was able to find the answers they had been looking for and successfully move forward with their evidence generation plan for their new digital health platform. 

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