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CECL implementation: virtual workshop on CECL methodology – vintage loss analysis

Watch our on-demand webinar for a discussion about key steps in implementing the new current expected credit loss (CECL) standard and options for completing your implementation. Our on-demand webinar provides a CECL methodology demonstration of a probability of default/loss via a vintage loss analysis of a 1-4 family residential mortgage loan portfolio. This demonstration highlights the data requirements to support this approach, illustrates the types of data manipulation this approach requires to produce a loss estimate, incorporates the CECL estimate in a forward looking cash flow model and more.

“Nearly Half of Banking Institutions Have Not Formed a CECL Implementation Taskforce”

Key takeaways

  • The rigorous data requirements to support the vintage loss analysis approach
  • The way data can be manipulated to produce a reasonable and supportable estimate for future defaults and losses given a default
  • How the data, once manipulated, can provide valuable credit risk insights and/or can be used to make reasonable and supportable qualitative adjustments to the model produced CECL reserve estimate

For more information on this topic, or to learn how Baker Tilly’s depository and lending industry specialists can help, contact our team.

“53.6 percent of respondents answered “Yes, we have formed a task force" to a poll question during the CECL implementation: Virtual workshop on CECL methodology - vintage loss analysis webinar on Aug. 22, 2018.”

© 2024 Baker Tilly US, LLP

HUD Notice 2018-04: Rethink your recapitalization strategy
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HUD Notice 2018-04: Rethink your recapitalization strategy