Damon T. Busse

Damon T. Busse



+1 (608) 240 2528

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Damon has more than 15 years of audit and accounting experience in various industries including retail, software, manufacturing and construction.

He is a member of the firm’s Assurance Professional Practice Group, where he collaborates with firm leadership and client service teams to develop accounting and auditing policies, guidance, training and tools to facilitate high-quality and consistent engagement performance. Damon plays a substantial role in internal and external quality monitoring activities including the firm’s peer review and PCAOB inspection. Damon actively researches and participates in external task forces focusing on new professional standards or emerging issues affecting the firm or the CPA profession. Prior to joining Baker Tilly, he spent seven years in the disputes and investigations practice of a global consulting firm. Previously, Damon was a member of an international accounting firm focusing almost exclusively on large public company audits.

  • Consults and develops tools and guidance on accounting and auditing matters, specializing in the firm’s SEC issuer audit practice and PCAOB audit methodology
  • Conducts internal inspections of engagement quality, analyzes firm-wide results of internal and external monitoring results, and designs quality improvement initiatives
  • Develops and delivers internal training as well as external speaking on topics of interest to the CPA profession
  • Participates internally and externally in task forces and projects including new standards or services (e.g., blockchain and digital assets; environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reporting)
  • Past experience includes consulting and providing neutral arbitration in merger and acquisition disputes, advising debtors and creditors in bankruptcy, investigating accounting irregularities and whistleblower complaints, reconstructing accounting records for accounting restatements, assisting expert witnesses in litigation related to accounting or auditing matters, and advising on technical financial reporting issues

  • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
  • AICPA Assurance Services Executive Committee (ASEC)
  • AICPA National Peer Review Committee – Report Acceptance Body Task Force
  • AICPA Digital Assets Working Group – Auditing Subgroup
  • AICPA Forensic and Valuation Services Section
  • Center for Audit Quality (CAQ) – Smaller Firm Task Force


Madison, WI


Master of Accountancy
Bachelor of Business Administration in accounting
University of Wisconsin – Madison