Medical professional holds the hand of patient during a consultation

Value-Based Care: Patient Engagement

Helping healthcare provider organizations design and execute purposeful, data-driven patient engagement programs that allow them to take control of their own destiny as they move towards greater adoption of risk-based contracting.

Evaluating your organization’s care delivery models is critical to meeting your value-based contracting (VBC) performance, quality and outcome metrics. Is your organization ready?

    Improved patient engagement will drive enhanced revenues in today’s fee-for-service environment. It will also prepare your organization for success in a VBC world.

    The stronger your relationship with patients, the more likely they are to choose your facilities and your care continuum. In today’s largely fee-for-service environment, that means improved revenues and utilization. It also means better health outcomes for patients.

    Nevertheless, most healthcare organizations are struggling to move beyond simply sending out appointment reminders and mass marketing material. They recognize that they do not know their customers well enough to develop the type of personalized, interactive and outcome-oriented relationships that are required to be successful in a VBC environment.

    Value-based transformation for healthcare providers

    Five key considerations

    1. Make it meaningful: Understand who your patients are, how they want to communicate and what messages they need to hear in order to influence the behavior you require. Do everything with intent and purpose; do not waste opportunities to collect feedback and inspire interaction. Engage patients across the full continuum of care.
    2. Leverage technology: New tools and technologies offer health systems the ability to vastly improve the patient experience and communication. From patient-facing technologies such as patient portals and texting, to systems designed to map the patient pathway and identify opportunities for improvement, healthcare providers will need to consider how they can use new technologies to better engage patients.
    3. Master your data: To understand and engage your patients, you first need to understand your data. Providers should be focusing on building their analytics capabilities on two fronts to improve patient engagement: better identifying opportunities for proactive intervention in patient health, and better personalizing outreach and communication. Both will require a level of predictive analytics capability.
    4. Continuously recalibrate: Recognize that the journey towards a high-functioning patient engagement capability takes time and incremental growth. Learn from every interaction. Be purposeful about building in measurements and feedback tools to ensure that, with each iteration, your organization is improving their capabilities and their understanding of the patient and patient pathway. 
    5. Stay one step ahead: While most health systems will continue to earn most of their revenues through fee-for-service models for the foreseeable future, remember that it takes time to build relationships and patient engagement. Balancing the timing of investments into patient engagement technologies with the shift in business models and revenue streams will be key.
    “If you want to be a leader, you can’t just sit back and wait for patients to arrive at your door. You need to be out there engaging your patients at a personal level. It’s not easy; it requires a fundamental change in the patient relationship and the business model.”
    Michael Patti, Principal, Baker Tilly
    “You really want to improve your patient engagement capabilities today with a view towards getting to a point where you can start to control your own destiny as you move towards risk-based contracting.”
    Todd Wilkerson, Director, Baker Tilly
    Todd Wilkerson