Cloud data warehouse

Understanding the cloud data warehouse

In part one of a two-part series, Baker Tilly explores the basics and complexities of cloud data warehouses. The second e-book in this series delves into the modeling and framework components that comprise cloud data warehouses.

The idea of using a cloud data warehouse may sound intimidating or overwhelming, depending on the size and structure of your business and your existing method of storing data. In fact, cloud data warehouses are not meant for every type of business.

However, for organizations that are looking for a scalable, collaborative system that is hosted and maintained off-site, a cloud data warehouse can be the perfect fit. The flip side, of course, is that employing a cloud data warehouse comes with a distinct set of challenges, including its steep learning curve and significant time investment, as well as the difficulty in getting everyone in the organization on board.

Read more for insights on how they are being used today and their potential benefits and drawbacks as you consider whether a cloud data warehouse makes sense for your organization.

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Baker Tilly economic snapshot – February 2021 edition