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Top five post-pandemic risks in higher education

The higher education risk landscape has changed, and continues to evolve, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Baker Tilly and the Central Association of College and University Business Officers (CACUBO) recently co-hosted a webinar to provide guidance on how to mitigate post-pandemic risks to enhance fiscal resiliency for higher education institutions.

This session takes a deep dive into the top five post-pandemic risks facing colleges and universities and how some institutions have addressed these risks. We provide insights on planning for workforce disruption, implementing strategies to maintain internal controls in a changing work environment and employing IT safeguards.

Key takeaways

After watching this webinar, you will be able to:

  1. Understand the post-pandemic risk landscape in higher education
  2. Discover how peer institutions have responded to risks in the industry
  3. Discuss risk mitigation and management strategies and how to implement them

Presenters and subject matter specialists

For more information, or to learn how Baker Tilly’s higher education specialists can help your institution mitigate risks, contact our team.

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