Interior of a car

The evolving dealership – 2030 and beyond

As an update to prior whitepapers (A Strategic Vision of Dealerships in 2025, 2025 Dealership Vision: What Lies Ahead and 2030 Dealership Vision: The Road Forward!), Auto Team America collected data among auto retail leaders in order to validate and/or invalidate original predictions posited. The resulting whitepaper outlines performance trends while formulating new perspectives on the evolving auto dealership model for your consideration and future planning in the period 2030 and beyond.

The main topics within The Evolving Dealership – 2030 and Beyond focus on people and personnel, electrification and autonomous, and the evolving dealership. Download the report to uncover an in-depth analysis and perspectives on key themes and trends likely to impact auto dealers in the decades ahead.

For more information on this topic, or to learn how Baker Tilly specialists can help, contact our team.

About Auto Team America

Baker Tilly is a founding member of Auto Team America, network of eleven CPA firms that serve over 2,000 auto dealerships nationwide. Like a “Twenty Group”, Auto Team America meets regularly to share dealership specific information and solutions to most effectively meet the needs of automotive dealers.

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