Government building with waving flag
Case Study

State of Indiana achieves 'model status' recognition for election reform

State of Indiana achieves 'model status' recognition for election reform and successful State to County collaboration in a large-scale technology implementation project.
Government building with waving flag
Case Study

State of Indiana achieves 'model status' recognition for election reform

State of Indiana achieves 'model status' recognition for election reform and successful State to County collaboration in a large-scale technology implementation project.

Client background

The state of Indiana’s Election Division is responsible for managing and maintaining an integrated Statewide Voter Registration System (SVRS).

The business challenge

New federal regulations required Indiana to implement voter registration reform across the State. The reform would require the design, development and implementation of a new consolidated SVRS.

The success of Indiana’s Statewide Voter Registration System is in large part based on the State's project management team from Baker Tilly.  Dedicated team members have played value added roles throughout the three year process including critical roles in ensuring a successful design, development, testing and county implementation effort. Our success has led to Indiana being documented in National Accounts as a model for election reform.
Indiana Secretary of State

Strategy and solution

The State of Indiana selected Baker Tilly to assess the new federal requirements, address how to best approach the new regulations, build a comprehensive strategic plan, and then execute the project to support the new requirements. Key activities included:

  • Completion of current and future state assessments
  • Development of an IT road map that included technology, process and change management initiatives
  • Execution and management of the multi-phase IT strategic plan and implementation of the IT road map

Phase One: Requirements definition, RFP and vendor evaluation

  • Conducted requirements definition sessions and web service design sessions with the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles, Department of Health and the Department of Corrections associated with critical integration requirements and web service design for information exchange
  • Developed future-state process flow documentation
  • Identified SVRS software vendors and managed the procurement process
  • Assisted with project planning and the creation of a project charter

Phase Two: Design, development, testing, implementation and rollout

  • Worked with the Office of Secretary of State, the Indiana Election Division, the Bureau of Motor Vehicle, the Department of Health, the Department of Corrections, Quest Information Systems and 92 counties to establish a program and project governance framework for design, development, testing and implementation of the strategic road map. 
  • Designed and implemented the approach to county coordination and change management
  • Designed and implemented the application testing process and procedures for State User Acceptance Testing
  • Rollout and post rollout support – the Baker Tilly team remains involved with the State of Indiana and its SVRS 
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Next up

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