People praying at religious organization
Case Study

Religious organization strengthens congregant relationships

Learn how churches can strengthen congregant relationships with Baker Tilly’s Ministry Intelligence. By identifying changing giving patterns, church leaders are able to minister to members when something has changed.
People praying at religious organization
Case Study

Religious organization strengthens congregant relationships

Learn how churches can strengthen congregant relationships with Baker Tilly’s Ministry Intelligence. By identifying changing giving patterns, church leaders are able to minister to members when something has changed.

Watch the video to learn how we helped

Client background

Healing Place Church (HPC) is a multicampus church based in Baton Rouge, LA. In 1993, HPC began with a vision of being a healing place for a hurting world. More than 20 years later, the vision remains the same. The goal is to be big enough to reach the world but small enough to feel like home.

The challenge

As a large church, it was difficult at times for HPC to identify congregation members who needed pastoral care at the time they could benefit from it most. The opportunities for outreach when people stopped regular or recurring giving were sometimes delayed or went unnoticed. HPC wanted to minister to families who might be struggling with job loss or stopped giving due to another life-changing event. It was also important to HPC leadership to reach out to congregation members who recently started consistently giving to ensure new givers had opportunities to get involved, get connected, and serve. Growing and supporting believers is at the heart of their vision.

The HPC executive board was making decisions based on their current finances but could not confidently project if their congregation’s giving patterns supported those decisions. Their church membership was healthy; however, the board was forecasting financial growth without knowing their financial sustainability accurately or in real-time.

The analyzed data on the dashboards gives me so much information at my fingertips that I didn’t previously have. Our pastors now have a powerful tool to help them care and connect more intentionally with our congregation. Ministry Intelligence is something every church should consider using.
Joseph LeBlanc, CFO, Healing Place Church

Solution and results

Since HPC began using Ministry Intelligence, they’ve been able to quickly identify regular and recurring givers through giver profiles created in Sage Intacct. Profiles also track first and second-time gifts and givers, which are presented along with other giving data on six dashboards. The dashboards allow HPC pastors to quickly see changes to their sustaining gifts, both new and lapsed giving and givers, attendance at each campus location, and more. The dashboards let HPC put their attention where it’s most needed for their members.

If a church member lapses in their regular giving, a pastor can reach out to see how they might help. It allows the church to positively impact the lives of their congregation, simply based on dashboard metrics. Church members identified as new regular or recurring givers are now quickly sent welcome and thank you notes, letting them know their gifts are noticed and appreciated. This data allows pastors to develop relationships with new members and invite them to join church groups and events.

HPC also uses the Ministry Intelligence dashboards to present data to their executive board, which helps the board make accurate cash flow projections and gives them confidence in the sustainability of member contributions. In turn, they can comfortably plan new church programs or mission initiatives, knowing they have the data to support their decisions.

Ministry Intelligence helps HPC be a place where the congregation feels supported. It allows them to reach out when there might be a problem and to encourage new members to become involved. The dashboard data gives the executive board the information they need to ensure HPC stays healthy.

Ministry Intelligence is a tool where we can track the most critical data from various sources all in one platform. The ministerial opportunities that are identified through Ministry Intelligence are very exciting. It isn’t about money; it’s about the people and health of the church.
Joseph LeBlanc, CFO, Healing Place Church

Get started

Identifying giving patterns within your faith-based organization is critical to fostering lasting relationships and positively impacting congregants. To learn more about how Ministry Intelligence can help your organization strengthen its ministry outreach, schedule a demo today.

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