Government building with waving flag
Case Study

Process assessment helps state legislative services agency address current challenges

Struggling with manual processes causing delays in reporting analysis, this state legislative services agency underwent a process assessment to properly sequence transformation initiatives.
Government building with waving flag
Case Study

Process assessment helps state legislative services agency address current challenges

Struggling with manual processes causing delays in reporting analysis, this state legislative services agency underwent a process assessment to properly sequence transformation initiatives.

Client background

This state’s legislative services agency provides bill drafting and legal services, research and analysis, publication and information services, administrative and technical support and fiscal analysis to the General Assembly.

The business challenge

The agency’s budget creation and tracking process, invoice reconciliation, journal entry and workarounds were being performed manually with coding complexities across worksheets for projects and programs causing delays in reporting analysis. Additionally, the volume of manual contract reviews, invoice generation, maintenance and reconciliation in conjunction with legislative priority changes, required quick and accurate analysis for new program considerations.

Strategy and solution

Baker Tilly worked with the agency to evaluate the budget creation and budget tracking process through current state interviews and workshops to map out the process steps, process outputs, frequency, volume of data, systems, tools, reports and metrics as well as the impact of pain points and challenges.

A sequenced road map of initiatives was delivered and included recommend project details for visual dashboard, optical character recognition (OCR), automated data quality checks and validation, contract management solution and benchmark automation tool capabilities. These capabilities were packaged together as part of a proposed custom modern data analytics platform to address the agency's current challenges and anticipated future needs.

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