Team high fiving

Watch Baker Tilly’s not-for-profit 2022 fiscal workshop on-demand, where you will hear a discussion on how views on philanthropy are changing and our specialists tackle trending challenges not-for-profits are facing, such as cybersecurity, cryptocurrency, donations through apps and workforce issues. We also cover topics that are critical to the financial and operational health of NFP organizations, including tax and accounting updates, internal controls with a remote team, FASB lease accounting standards, ways to spot fraud in Form 990s and CECL.

Who should watch?

Executive leadership and accounting and finance professionals, including CEOs, CFOs, COOs, controllers and audit and finance committee and board members of any type of not-for-profit organization, including healthcare organizations, educational institutions, foundations, social service agencies, private clubs, religious organizations or others.

Attendees enjoyed an engaging fireside chat with Dan Pallotta. Where Dan touched on the concepts behind his newest books, "Uncharitable" and "The Everyday Philanthropist," as well as his thoughts around changes donors should make and why there is a need to be ridiculous. (note: this portion of the recording is only available to those who attended live.)

Tax update

Presented by Catherine Petercsak, Judith Segal, Katie Fujita, Brian Yacker

  • Form 990
  • New wave in giving, apps and cryptocurrency
  • Top 5 questions we've received throughout the year

Cybersecurity and workplace challenges

Presented by Deanna Kempinski and Joe Shusko of Baker Tilly with guest panelists Paul J. Blatt of Jewish Vocational Services and Sean de Four of Southwest Solutions

Audit and Accounting update

Presented by Allison Webb, Blaine Jasper, Christine Tsoi, Ivan Cilik, Matt Kalil, Rebecca Weiss

  • FASB Lease Accounting Standards
  • Single audit requirements
  • Client accounting services and internal controls in a virtual world
  • Noncash and in-kind contributions
  • CECL adoption and approached

For more information or to learn how Baker Tilly not-for-profit specialists can help protect and enhance the value of your organization, connect with us.

Team members work together on technology innovation

Innovation culture - jumpstarting new ideas to drive organizational success

Innovation occurs when an organization does something new or different that creates value. Creating a culture of innovation is essential for organizations.

© 2024 Baker Tilly US, LLP

Krista K. Pankop
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Next up

Research security: what auditors must know in 2022