Managing healthcare risks through internal audit

Public concern over rising healthcare costs, demands for increased transparency in both quality and cost, concern for patient safety, calls for reducing medical errors, shrinking reimbursement and complex regulations put pressure on healthcare organizations to operate efficiently and effectively. This pressure creates heightened risk for healthcare organizations. Internal audit is a proactive strategy for healthcare organizations to manage risk and compliance.

In this webinar, Baker Tilly risk and healthcare specialists discuss how to leverage an internal audit function at your healthcare organization. Whether your organization already engages in internal audit activities, is considering an internal audit function or you want to learn about the role of an internal audit, this informative session is for you.

Download the presentation

Key learning objectives

  • Determine if an internal audit function would be valuable to your healthcare organization
  • Differentiate between the internal, outsourced and co-sourced options for engaging an internal audit
  • Describe the risk assessment process

“26% of respondents said “cybersecurity"  is the emerging risk of most concern to their healthcare organization, during the webinar, Managing healthcare risks through internal audit, on May 1, 2019 .”

For more information on this topic, or to learn how Baker Tilly healthcare specialists can help, contact our team.

Debra K. Bowes
Next up

Building construction audit checklists