Leveraging SOC 2® reports to meet stakeholder expectations

Baker Tilly cyber assurance specialists discuss the AICPA’s Trust Services Criteria (TSC) and description criteria, with a focus on SOC 2 and its Common Criteria. The discussion will also address the multitude of options for SOC 2 reporting including SOC 2 Plus, the role of governance in SOC 2 and how to select a solution that fits the needs of your organization’s external stakeholders, and the industry shift in leveraging SOC reports to gain efficiency in responding to business associate vendor inquiries.

Key learning objectives

After listening to this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the evolving expectations of customers and business associates and the impact of emerging regulation.
  • List the Trust Services categories, Common Criteria and governance leading practices.
  • Identify the intended use for each of the TSC, and the use of SOC 2 Plus to address external stakeholders needs.
  • Explain evolving stakeholder expectations and the role of emerging regulations.
  • Recognize the shift in highly regulated industries (financial services, healthcare, public companies) in leveraging SOC 2 for efficiency.
Who should attend?

This on-demand webinar is intended primarily for issuers of SOC reports. SOC report recipients may find value in this presentation to better understand scoping their SOC exam.

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For more information on this topic, or to learn how Baker Tilly specialists can help, contact our team.

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