Copy updated: 7/9/2020
The internal revenue code (IRC) Section 48 has historically provided an investment tax credit (ITC) for qualifying energy related investments. The credit is established as a percentage of the project owner’s (taxpayer) basis in the eligible property. The percentage amount is dependent upon the technology implemented. Legislation for this ITC has been updated several times over the past decade, with the most recent being an “extender” of the “Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020” (H.R. 1865) in December 2019.
In response to COVID-19, an extension of the continuity safe harbor is available for projects that began construction in 2016 or 2017 (now 5 years). Also, an extension to the 3½ Month Rule for services or property paid for on or after September 16, 2019, is now extended to October 15, 2020 (Notice 2020-41).
Several technologies have benefited from the previously expired “begun construction” deadline retroactively extended from Jan. 1, 2018 to Jan. 1, 2021. Projects previously thought to have missed the deadline for related qualification activity could now be eligible for significant project capital support via a tax credit scenario. In addition, projects slated to break ground over the next several years could gain eligibility, if certain actions are taken this year.
While this legislation touches multiple energy technologies, a summary of the ITC opportunity, specific to wastewater facilities and energy production, are as follows:
To take advantage of this significant ITC opportunity, contact us to further evaluate the specifics of your situation.