Interoperability FAQ for health plan leaders

Interoperability FAQ for health plan leaders

Answers to commonly asked questions about the Interoperability and Patient Access final rule

The health plan-specific components of the Interoperability and Patient Access final rule (CMS-9115-F) are now in effect. Although the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) delayed enforcement of the final rule, many leaders of health plan organizations still have outstanding questions.

To help health plans understand and implement the final rule as well as to encourage leaders to think beyond a “pure compliance” perspective, our team of Value Architects™ has asked health plan executives what their most pressing questions were about interoperability. The following whitepaper details answers to those frequently asked questions (FAQ) in addition to Baker Tilly’s perspective on the interoperability requirement.

Interoperability FAQ for health plan leaders

For more information about this topic, or to learn how Baker Tilly’s Value Architects™ can help, contact our team.

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