Three doctors standing together in a hospital hallway

Hospital-at-home is an innovative care delivery model that enables patients to receive hospital-level care in the confines of their own home. With some hospital-at-home care delivery models proven to effectively cut the cost of care by 30% or more while simultaneously improving patient outcomes and expanding bed availability, we are seeing a greater acceptance of public and industry support for adoption.  

Listen to Baker Tilly’s informative, on-demand webinar to learn about hospital-at-home care delivery models and what factors are influencing the increased adoption of these programs. After establishing some background, we will dive into the role of data, analytics and IT in supporting the model, including a review of essential but nontraditional data collection processes to ensure proper outcomes and adherence to the Quadruple Aim approach of optimizing the performance of healthcare systems. 

For more information on this topic, or to learn how Baker Tilly’s Value Architects™ can help, contact our team. 

Informational technology professional meeting with healthcare provider
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Minimizing risk through effective engagement with KOLs and stakeholders