Podcast | Collegiate Athletics and Esports

Higher Ed Advisor: the impact COVID-19 and other factors have on collegiate athletic programs

Welcome to Higher Ed Advisor, the Baker Tilly podcast series where we speak with higher education industry leaders from across the firm about practical and proactive guidance to help colleges and universities protect and enhance their value.

The higher education landscape is evolving quickly as a result of COVID-19 and other changes in the industry that have been intensified by the pandemic. Leaders are charged with making key decisions to ensure their institution’s fiscal resiliency. You’ve seen some of the more unpopular decisions in the news and on social media – colleges and universities of all sizes are cutting athletics programs.

Listen to this podcast to learn more about why institutions are making programs cuts, along with the budgeting and financial challenges, Title IX considerations and reputational implications associated with cutting collegiate athletic programs.

Meet this episode’s guest speakers:

Adrienne Larmett, MBA, Senior Manager

Katlyn Andrews, CIA, Manager

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