The healthcare system operates a network of academic and community hospitals associated with a large university, serving residents of the greater Philadelphia area. The healthcare system includes a 700+ bed Level 1 trauma center, two community-based hospitals providing acute and emergency care, and a community-wide network of primary care physicians.
The healthcare system had been utilizing the Epic EHR system for both Ambulatory and Inpatient care for several years. Once the clinical applications were successfully launched and stabilized, the client opted to implement Epic revenue cycle applications and Epic Radiant, as well as implement the OnBase enterprise content management (ECM) system to manage legacy data. The goal was to realize the benefits of a fully integrated, enterprise-wide EHR while ensuring providers and staff had the necessary access to historical data. To this end, the healthcare system sought the help of Baker Tilly.
To achieve these goals, Baker Tilly stood up a team of highly skilled project managers, ECM specialists, and Epic application analysts.
As a result of Baker Tilly’s efforts, the healthcare system successfully implemented the OnBase system within their Epic environment, enabling efficient management of legacy data. The Epic Revenue Cycle applications were fully implemented and adopted enterprise wide, thereby enhancing financial processes. Additionally, the Epic Radiant application went live successfully, with the healthcare system gaining increased internal expertise to support the system’s long-term sustainability.