team member talking digital screen

Enabling ongoing business process optimisation

Taking the next step in ERP control

IFS’ enterprise resource planning (ERP) software is designed to suit your business needs by optimising your processes, departments and systems. When an ERP system is first integrated, it will be completely up to date and work seamlessly within your business. However, as your business grows, you may need to update departments, add additional members of staff or change your working processes. This all needs to be updated within your ERP system so it can best fulfil your business needs.

Sometimes fast growth, large changes or even software updates mean that your ERP needs a bit of support to get it back to fully managing your business. Some businesses have internal ERP technicians and other businesses outsource all of their update requirements.

Baker Tilly offers a support offering that takes regular updates to the next level.

No support

With no external support, your business will need to manage all updates and changes in-house. No support is perfectly fine for companies that have an internal ERP specialist department, with a team ready to keep the software running, updated and fine-tuned to the business’s needs. But, having no external support can work out more expensive by having to have a full team in-house to manage your ERP. And, if something big does go wrong, it can be costly to get an ERP partner to look into fixing issues.

Unstructured flexible support

Flexible IFS support from Baker Tilly offers you a support manager that you can contact when a need arises. We establish a simple agreement with you which enables you to utilise our support service on a flexible basis. This can be as a back-up service to your own support mechanisms and may be used on a short-term basis to deal with specific events or simply as a safety net. However, as our flexible support is often unplanned, it can be unclear when support resources will be available. We also cannot guarantee an SLA and response time, due to other ongoing support contracts.

Baker Tilly – IFS support

Our IFS support offering manages your entire IFS platform, so you can extend your team’s capabilities without needing any resources or time put aside. We work alongside your business to maintain system integrity and performance. Working with our UK managed support team, you’ll have 24/7 support with a clear and fixed SLA time. This support is also based on the service, not just hours, so we’ll work to support your IFS platform, no matter how much resource is required. This support offering is perfect for businesses that require ERP support from a team with expert knowledge of IFS, wanting fast and easy resolutions and don’t want to put budget into creating a team of resources internally.

Baker Tilly’s IFS support enables your business development, growth and strategy. We take proactive steps to keep you ahead while adding additional value, instead of working to reactively fix issues that arise. Every support customer has a dedicated support manager who will meet with you regularly to continue adding real value to your business.


Continuous improvement as a service

Continuum is the next step on from our IFS support offering and is the key driver for enabling your businesses process optimisation and continuous improvement. If you’re looking to generate greater value, Continuum works by taking your real-life business results and looking through your initiatives to see where improvements could be made. If there’s often areas which require more support, Baker Tilly will work to improve processes to better serve the business and create a feedback loop between business operations and application support. By offering support for new functionality adoption, revised processes and streamlining new features, your ERP is improving constantly and working as hard as it can for your business needs.

Paolo Zaino
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A first look at Alliant 3: what to expect from GSA’s successor to Alliant 2