Road along the cost at sunrise, new opportunities

Deal breakers and opportunity makers: the role of environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) in M&A

This report is part of the latest Baker Tilly International study: Global dealmakers series 2021.

The tide is turning for investments considered purely on financial terms, with new research from Baker Tilly and Acuris confirming the rising importance of ESG to dealmakers.

When it comes to the ability of a business to live up to its values, there’s nothing like a crisis to sharpen the mind.

It explains why the treatment of employees, behaviour within the community — even outward demonstrations of support for public health and science — have become pressure points for business over the past year.

Between the pandemic, lockdowns and furloughs, the urgent focus on climate change, and a mood of social upheaval and protest around the globe, businesses have been expected to live up to the PR spin of being good corporate citizens.

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