Silhouette of college graduates celebrating on a mountain

Collaborative combinations: charting a strategic path to student success and institutional sustainability

The higher education industry has been facing critical challenges, including declining enrollment and affordability, budget pressures and resource constraints. Amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic, these issues are leading colleges and universities to pursue bold changes. A collaborative combination, or integration, is one strategic approach to achieving transformative change, student success and institutional sustainability.

This article, originally published in the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges’ (AGB) Trusteeship Magazine, shares the key project activities and lessons for boards from the Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education integration of two sets of combining institutions comprised of three currently separate yet geographically proximate institutions, which the Baker Tilly team helped advise and facilitate.

For more information or to learn about how Baker Tilly’s higher education specialists can help your institution with a collaborative combination, contact our team.

Christine M. Smith
Managing Director

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