Continuity breaks free from Excel with Sage Intacct

Continuity breaks free from Excel with Sage Intacct

Continuity’s rapid growth put pressure on the finance organization to keep up. Like so many companies, Continuity originally was forced to rely on spreadsheets to maintain complicated revenue recognition schedules for multi-entity arrangements and to deliver management and investors typical SaaS metrics like CMRR, CAC and churn.

When Alan Hurwitz joined Continuity, he recognized the importance of putting in place the accounting infrastructure to support the company’s growth and at the same time offer a compelling value proposition (i.e. measurable ROI.) His auditing firm, Fiondella, Milone & LaSaracina, recommended that he talk to Baker Tilly. After Alan reviewed all his options, he decided that Baker Tilly and Sage Intacct was the best fit – from both a functionality and cost standpoint.

Finding the right solution

Continuity moved forward with implementing Sage Intacct’s Core Financials and Advanced Revenue Management modules. With Sage Intacct in place, Continuity no longer relies on Excel spreadsheet to track revenue recognition schedules and no longer is required to perform time consuming manual journal entries all while giving real-time access to critical information. 

“Being the CFO of a growth stage company is immensely rewarding. It’s great fun to support the entire Continuity team in finding new and innovative ways to build value for our clients and profitability for our investors. For me, one such innovation was bringing Baker Tilly and Sage Intacct on board to put in place the infrastructure to support this growth. Sage Intacct’s financial ERP solution delivered a 100% ROI and six month payback.” Alan Hurwitz, CFO, Continuity.

Seeing results

The result: Sage Intacct’s financial ERP solution delivered a 100% ROI and six month payback. 

The next step will be to integrate Sage Intacct with Salesforce, ADP, and Expensify. This will drive even greater ROI for Continuity.

“The implementation team at Baker Tilly was very well organized, prepared, and extremely knowledgeable about Sage Intacct. More importantly, however, their experience working in accounting teams made it easy for them to understand the nuances of our processes, and to recommend best practices along the way. The Baker Tilly implementation team gave us detailed assignments, organized notes from every call/meeting, and set up easy file transfer capability. They were there for us every step of the way, keeping us focused and helping us meet our crossover date.” Alan Hurwitz, CFO, Continuity

Food and beverage M&A update: Q4 2018
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Food and Beverage M&A update: Q1 2019