Thomas W. Harjes

Thomas W. Harjes



+1 (612) 876 4718

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Tom is a principal with Baker Tilly, leading the family law practice in the Minneapolis office. Tom has been with the firm since 1989. In the family law practice, he works with attorneys and their clients on the various financial aspects of a divorce including business valuations, property settlements, nonmarital tracing of assets, income and cash flow analysis and income tax planning. In many cases, he is retained by both parties as either a neutral financial specialist or as a mediator to assist with these issues.

  • Develops property settlement schedules to assist with the division of assets that take into consideration risk, liquidity and taxation
  • Prepares non-marital asset tracing reports in support of non-marital claims related to investments, retirement accounts, real estate and other assets
  • Analyzes income and after-tax cash flow for support purposes for individuals who are business owners, self-employed or employees
  • Specializes in tax planning issues related to divorce
  • Consults with attorneys regarding business valuations and holds two credentials in the business valuation area
  • Performs forensic accounting engagements
  • Provides expert witness testimony
  • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
  • Frequent speaker at family law seminars
  • Hennepin County Financial Early Neutral Evaluation Program
  • Minnesota Society of Certified Public Accountants
  • National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts


Minneapolis, MN


Bachelor of Arts in accounting
Gustavus Adolphus College (St. Peter, Minnesota)

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