Jim Weigand

Jim Weigand

Jim has more than 20 years of experience in unclaimed property consulting, including audit defense, comprehensive diagnostic reviews, quantitative analysis, exposure remediation and various voluntary settlement procedures. Additionally, Jim plays an integral role in assisting clients with their annual unclaimed property compliance processes.

Jim has been a speaker for holder education seminars sponsored by various professional groups, including Unclaimed Property Professionals Organization, American Payroll Association, Association for Financial Professionals and Strafford Publications.

  • Assisted Fortune 500 and middle market companies across many industries with the performance of comprehensive diagnostic reviews, audit defense, identification of process improvement techniques and the development of unclaimed property policies and procedures, including manufacturing, oil and gas exploration, energy production (e.g., mining, transportation, refining, etc.), insurance, healthcare, financial, retail, technology (e.g., telecommunications, internet service providers, etc.), transportation and entertainment industries, as well supply-chain logistics companies
  • Recognized for negotiating voluntary disclosure settlements with most jurisdictions
  • Extensive knowledge with unclaimed property compliance services and is familiar with the unclaimed property reporting requirements of the various jurisdictions and the implementation of third-party unclaimed property reporting software systems
  • Unclaimed Property Professionals Organization (UPPO), member


Frisco, TX


Bachelor of Science in accounting and business administration
Chapman University, California