Jason Coyle

Jason K. Coyle



+1 (630) 645 6205

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Jason Coyle, principal with Baker Tilly, has been in the accounting industry since 1997. He is the team leader of the public sector practice in Illinois. He specializes in providing financial and compliance audits, as well as accounting services. Jason has extensive experience with municipalities, counties, special districts and school districts.

  • Partner-in-charge of financial and compliance related audit engagements for local governmental entities
  • Routinely assists local governments with the implementation of new accounting standards issued by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board
  • Reviews and provides guidance for Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports, which have been awarded a “Certificate of Achievement for Excellence” in Financial Reporting
  • Performs internal control reviews of municipalities and school districts, providing recommendations on policies and procedures to strengthen internal controls
  • Provides Tax Incremental Financing compliance audits
  • Partner-in-charge of single audits in accordance with OMB Uniform Guidance Guidelines
  • Presents annual audit and financial results to various client boards
  • Leads operations reviews designed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of business and finance operations
  • Member of the Special Review Committee of the GFOA which reviews financial statements submitted to the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report program
  • Licensed CPA in Illinois
  • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
  • Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) - Special review executive committee
  • Illinois Governmental Finance Officers Association (IGFOA) - Technical accounting review committee
  • Illinois CPA Society (ICPAS) - Governmental Executive Committee, chair
  • Illinois Association of School Business Officials (IASBO)
  • Speaks at industry conferences
  • Government Accounting and Auditing Updates
  • Baker Tilly Municipal Audit Training Sessions
  • Government Finance Officers Association sponsored seminars
  • Single Audit Training Sessions
  • Frequent Frauds Found in Governments
  • GFOA and Illinois GFOA conferences
  • “Independence: Historical Insights and Today’s Rules” (Becker Professional Education)


Oak Brook, IL


Bachelor of Science in accountancy

University of Illinois