Ben Hart

Benjamin O. Hart



+1 (816) 333 7093

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Ben Hart is a director with Baker Tilly Municipal Advisors, LLC. He brings more than 25 years of experience working with cities, counties and utilities. In addition to his experience as a municipal advisor, Ben previously served as director of resource management for two large local municipalities in the Kansas City metropolitan area. His 15 years combined with both communities included managing each entities’ annual appropriation and utility-based debt as well as leading the finance team’s complex economic development initiatives. He was the key in the communities’ efforts in developing strategic economic development, planning and capital improvement policies and procedures, resulting in vital economic growth of both communities. He is active in the Kansas and Missouri Society of CPAs, sitting on the governmental accounting committee, as well as the Government Finance Officers Association at a national and local level.

Registered Municipal Advisor with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

  • Provides municipal advisory services with the issuance of General obligation, special obligation lease revenue and utility revenue bonds
  • Provides consulting services related to various financial and economic development policies
  • Provides long-term finance and capital planning consulting services
  • Provides priority-based budgeting/budgeting for outcomes expertise
  • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
  • National Associate of Municipal Advisors (NAMA)
  • Kansas Society of Certified Public Accountants (KSCPA)
  • Governmental Finance Officers Association (GFOA)
  • Kansas Government Finance Officers Association (KSGFOA)
  • Eastern Kansas Government Finance Officers Association (EKGFOA)
  • Government Finance Officers of Missouri (GFOAMO)
  • Debt Management 101
  • From CIP to Fixed Asset to Disposition: Booking a Capital Asset Through Its Life Cycle (Texas GFOA)
  • Economic Development for Finance Officers
  • Performance Budgeting Best Practices
  • Budgeting for Outcomes
  • Long-Term Financial Planning Helps Save Critical Resources
  • Certified Public Accountant
  • Chartered Global Management Accountant
  • Government Financial Policy Webinar Series


Chicago, IL


Bachelor of Science in business administration

Central Methodist University (Fayette, Missouri)