Ashley McPhee

Ashley McPhee

CA, CFE, ANZIIF (Fellow)


+61 2 8488 6002

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Ashley McPhee is a principal with Baker Tilly’s forensic, litigation and valuation services practice. He has worked exclusively in the forensic accounting and consulting field since 2003 after gaining invaluable experience auditing with an international accounting firm in Australia and the UK. Since specializing in forensic accounting, Ashley has worked extensively with insurance professionals and lawyers, focusing his work on business interruption, material damage, fraud and fidelity in relation to the measurement of damages.

Ashley has previously been instructed by both claimants and defendants as an expert accountant. He has given his opinion in a variety of litigated and non-litigated insurance and commercial disputes involving the quantification of damages.

Ashley has successfully managed high profile, complex assignments for major corporations in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Africa and Asia.

  • Ashley has prepared and presented professional education seminars to clients and to the wider legal, accounting and insurance industry
  • Chartered Accountant, Australia
  • Certified Fraud Examiner
  • Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance, fellow
  • Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, associate


Sydney, Australia


Master’s in risk and insurance

Bachelor of Business